Times are troubled, but we are not alone! Come celebrate that the God we follow has walked in our shoes and is still walking with us today. Whether it’s the ongoing devastation of war in the Middle East, or the instability caused by politics in the U.S., we can stand on the foundation of Jesus Christ, and discern from that place of strength how to be God’s hands and feet for love, justice, peace and goodness in the world.
Let us welcome the Holy Spirit’s refueling for all our challenges, as Pastor Charlotte leads us in sharing Communion. (Yes, she’s now back from Sabbatical!) All who are purposing to follow Jesus are welcome to partake of Communion. We’ll also sing, pray, journey together, and invite the Living Word to inspire and guide us. Scriptures include: Psalm 26:8-12, Mark 10:13-16, Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-18. Childcare for PreK to Kindergarteners available in the latter part of the service. Guests are warmly welcomed!
9:30 am -- Pre-Service Coffee Plus
10:00 am -- Worship
11:30 am -- Potluck lunch together. All are invited! (Details provided in adjacent post.)
Photo by Michelle MacPherson