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This Sunday, Nov 12

This Sunday in worship, we will look at the developing story of God and people as some of Abraham's descendants are now wandering in the wilderness (Exodus 15:22-16:36). How did they respond when they faced dehydration, starvation, and uncertainty? How did God respond? And we will read the story of Jesus' feeding 5,000 people in a deserted place (Matthew 14:13-21). How did the disciples and Jesus respond? How do these two stories relate to one another? And, as always, what is the good news for us as we engage the stories today? As usual, we'll also have a cup of coffee, sing, pray, and take the joyful risk of connecting to God and one another in community on our life journeys! Guests are warmly welcomed. Childcare for Pre-K and Kindergarteners will be provided in the latter part of the service.

  • 9:30 am -- Pre-Service Coffee Plus

  • 10 am -- Worship

  • 11:20 to 11:30 am (or so) -- Informal Chatting

  • 11:30 am to (no later than) 12:30 pm -- Congregational Meeting: Celebrate 2023 & Plan for 2024!

Photo by Michelle MacPherson

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