Pastor Charlotte will be back this Sunday, March 27th and will continue our reflection on the Gospel of John's telling of Jesus' last days, from John 18:28-40 -- "My kingdom is not of this world." Join us for Worship for the fourth Sunday of Lent! We'll also read Psalm 145:10-13, sing, and pray for one another and the world. Childcare will be provided for kids up through kindergarten during the second part of the service.
9:30 am -- Sidewalk Coffee & Snacks outside the 620 Madison Street doors. Come and enjoy this fun social time together.
10 am -- Worship in person or on Zoom
11:30 to Noon -- Hang out after the service in the room and the Zoom for about 30 minutes of Sermon Discussion. Share your reflections and questions, or just listen in as others do.
Guests warmly welcomed to outdoor coffee, service, and discussion!
Photo by Julie Larson