Join us this Sunday, March 13 at 9:30 am for the return of Sidewalk Coffee & Snacks prior to the service. Remember it will be Daylight Savings Time this weekend! Spring your clocks ahead one hour. Then join us for Worship at 10 am in-person and on Zoom.
It's the second Sunday of Lent, and our theologian, professor and RPC member Nancy Bedford will bring the message about Jesus' washing his disciples' feet from John 13:1-17. We're excited to have our former worship music director Helen Hawkins join us on piano this week too! We'll read Psalm 51:7-12, sing, pray and encourage one another in the challenges of discipleship in this broken and beautiful world. Childcare available for kids up through kindergarten during the second part of the service.
Hang out after the service in the room and the Zoom until noon for our time of Sermon Discussion --share your reflections and questions, or just listen in as others do. Guests warmly welcomed to both service and discussion! ~Pastor Charlotte
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