We celebrate Epiphany, when the light of Christ was revealed to the whole world. Join us as we reflect on the Magi's journey to Bethlehem through interactive stations. These Choose-Your-Own-Adventure stations include a variety of response formats, from conversation, to prayer, art, and meditation. We will also celebrate Communion, hear from an Interfaith Action representative about the work they are doing in Evanston, and have a guest artist share a liturgical dance! The Scripture for this week is Isaiah 60:1-6, 19-20 and Matthew 2:1-12 Join us in person or on Zoom. Childcare for Pre-K and Kindergarteners will be provided in the latter part of the service. Guests are warmly welcomed!
9:30 am -- Pre-Service Coffee Plus
10 am -- Worship!
11:15 am -- Informal Chatting. No Sermon Discussion this week. Spend time socializing with the folks around you, compare New Year's resolutions, and meet someone new!
Miss a sermon, or just want to listen again? Recordings of weekly sermons (current and past) are available here on the RPC website at: Worship > Sermons.
Photo by Inbal Malca on Unsplash