Join us this Sunday, as we begin our series This Is My Body, for the six Sundays of Lent, leading up to Easter. Nancy Bedford will bring the message on Luke 2:41-52, the only text we have about Jesus' growing up years. We'll also sing and pray and enjoy a special dance, while supporting one another through the challenges of our lives! Guests are warmly welcomed. Childcare for Pre-K and Kindergarteners will be provided for the latter part of the service. Offered both in-person and on Zoom.
9:30 am -- Pre-Service Coffee Plus
10 am -- Worship!
11:20-11:35 am -- Informal chatting
11:35 am - 12:15 pm -- Sermon Discussion. Come share your thoughts and questions, or just listen in as others do. No expertise required! Offered both in-person and by Zoom.