The richness and longing of Advent continues -- join us Sunday as our drama brings us what could be the point of view of Joseph, called to be father to the Messiah! And we'll dance our Advent wreath-lighting and sing and pray and ponder together the waiting and the presence of God in this season. And kids won't want to miss Pastor Laura's special children's message. Scriptures for the week are Psalm 89:1-4; 2 Samuel 7:1–11,16; and Matthew 1:18-25.
Guests are warmly welcomed! Childcare for Pre-K and Kindergarteners will provided in the latter part of the service. Join us in person or on Zoom.
9:30 am -- Pre-Service Coffee Plus!
10 am -- Worship
11:20 am -- Informal Chatting with an optional fun twist! (NO Sermon discussion this week)
Photo by Dan Coyne, last week's drama