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This Sunday, April 2

This week is Palm Sunday! Join us for worship even if you have no idea what that means, because you're bound to enjoy it. It's got palm branches (yes, real ones, for everyone!) and dancing and singing and a drama, and praying and reflecting on Jesus' poignant statement "This is my body" to his disciples as he continues the path toward his courageous death and victorious resurrection. Scriptures will include Psalm 118:22-29 and Mark 14:12-42.

And as if that weren't enough, we will be celebrating growth in this arm of Jesus' body as we receive new members! As always, there is room for you in our gathered worship, whether or not you are in a mood to celebrate. Come as you are, and build God's beloved community centered on Jesus with the rest of us. Guests are warmly welcomed. Childcare provided in the latter part of the service for Pre-K and Kindergarteners.

  • 9:30 am -- Pre-Service Coffee Plus

  • 10 am -- Worship

  • 11:20 am -- Have a cookie and chat with our new members!

  • Miss a sermon, or just want to listen again? Recordings of weekly sermons (current and past) are available here on the RPC website at: Worship > Sermons.

Note that building community by getting to know one another and sharing joy is an important spiritual practice! Come, let yourself know and be known in community!

Photo by Julie Larson

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