Leadership Team would like your input about six new mural designs, the final versions of which are destined to be painted on large, weatherproofed banners and mounted on the outside west-facing wall of the Meetinghouse (620 Madison). The murals will capture the seven points of our RPC identity statement. For a 10-minute video explanation of the project from Rob Larson and Charlotte Lehman, cue up the recording of the Aug. 16 service (found on our Facebook page) to 1:12:00. Or, a written explanation that also includes costs and materials can be found here.
Click here to give us your thoughts on each of the designs and the mural project as a whole. This period of congregational feedback will be open until Saturday, August 29th. Then on Sunday, August 30th, we'll have a congregational discussion about the designs in the Zoom meeting after the worship service.