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Joining Jesus Christ
in the reconciliation of all things to God
who we are
Reba Place Church began in 1957 with a small group of idealistic peace and service-hearted Mennonite young people who felt called to develop intentional community to love and serve as Jesus would. Many others have joined us over the years and we continue to seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in peacemaking: Peacemaking that transforms our own hearts with forgiveness, healing, and emotional maturity; and that transforms the world around us as we work for justice and equity and sustainable peace for all.
We love reflecting on the ancient, awesome, diverse, and essential book known as the Bible, and we believe that the Bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit is still speaking to us today! In 2018, after a 16 month congregational dialogue and discernment process, we agreed that the Spirit was leading us to a full welcome to LGBTQ folks.

Welcome to our website! I’m Charlotte Lehman, Lead Pastor here at Reba Place Church. But I’m definitely not the only one up front leading our Sunday morning gatherings. Many different folks participate in leading, teaching, and sharing. We believe that God has given each person gifts to use for the common good.
I hope you find this website a useful introduction, but I really hope you’ll take the time to visit in person, because we’re an unusual enough congregation that most people can’t accurately imagine us until they’ve met us! We sing hymns in four parts without instruments and rock some great contemporary Black gospel songs with a full amplified band. We do simple congregational line dances (optional of course!) as part of our worship about once a month. We use elements of “high church” liturgies for Communion. We smile at wiggly, non-silent children during worship. We may be a bit awkward at times, and some of us have fashion from the seventies, but we’re real. And there’s room for you. Come on by!
Pastor Charlotte

We believe in sharing the gospel with anyone who wants to hear it, but you’ll find us more often doing practical things for the people living around us simply because we believe God calls us to serve others.
—Heather Munn