God shows up! Join us on Sunday as we consider King Solomon's building and dedicating a temple for God in Jerusalem. How do we understand the awesome mystery of sensing God's presence in some tangible way? We'll read 1 Kings 5:1-6, 13-18 and 8:1-13, as well as John 2:19-22. We will sing, pray, and bless God, one another, and all of Creation which is loved by God. Join us! Guests warmly welcomed. ~Pastor Charlotte
9:30 am Sidewalk Coffee and Snack (weather permitting) at the 620 Madison Street doors! Bring your sealing travel mug to take your drink inside.
10 am Worship in Person and on Zoom. Wear a mask and enjoy celebrating together!
11:20 am until 12 noon. Sermon Discussion (in Person and Zoom). Share your reactions, questions, and reflections to the message in a lively, non-judgmental space after the service.

Above photo by Dariusz Kanclerz on Unsplash