Join us this weekend as we celebrate Communion together and hear from our Worship Music Director & Chaplain Wolf Hillbo reflect on the meaning of that ancient practice! All who long to know Jesus Christ and follow him as his disciple are welcome to receive Communion, regardless of membership. We will of course sing and pray and read Scripture (Ephesians 1:18-22 & 2:19-22, Matthew 26:26-30 ) and journey together as disciples of Jesus in a broken and beautiful world. Childcare for kids Pre-K to Kindergarten will be provided in the latter part of the service. Guests are warmly welcomed!
9:30 am Coffee Plus -- Come enjoy a cup of joe and chatting! You don't even have to make it :)
10 am Worship with Communion
11:20 am Post- Service informal chatting (No Sermon Discussion this week)
Miss a sermon, or just want to listen again? Recordings of weekly sermons (current and past) are available here on the RPC website at: Worship > Sermons.
Photo by Rob Larson
