Join us this Sunday as we celebrate Communion together -- all who want to follow Jesus as his disciple are welcome to partake! Our soon-to-be-moving Worship Music Director Wolf Hillbo will bring the message "God's Love Has Been Poured Into Our Hearts" as he shares about his journey with Reba Church and in hospital chaplaincy over the last 6+ years. We'll read Romans 5:1-11 and Matthew 11:28-30, and we'll sing and pray and remember that we do not journey through this beautiful but broken world alone. Childcare for Pre-K and Kindergarteners will be provided in the latter part of the service. Guests warmly welcomed!
9:30 am -- Pre-Service Coffee Plus
10 am -- Worship
11:20 am -- Farewell & Thank You Reception for Wolf
Miss a sermon, or just want to listen again? Recordings of weekly sermons (current and past) are available here on the RPC website at: Worship > Sermons.
Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash