What was going on with that "Prodigal Son" who left home with his inheritance in the parable Jesus tells in Luke 15:11-32? More biblical insights with an economically-informed lens from Lane Miller in this Sunday's message, as we continue our series on Economics and Faith! Join us for worship in person (or via Zoom), where we'll also sing, pray, read Scripture and care for one another as we seek to follow Jesus' life-giving ways in our world. Longtime followers of Jesus and spiritual explorers and guests of all kinds are welcome!
9:30 am -- Sidewalk Coffee Plus at the 620 Madison Street doors (weather permitting)
10 am -- Worship! in Room and Zoom
11:25 am to Noon -- Announcement of Pastoral Candidate Note, no Sermon Discussion this week, but we are planning a more substantial time for interested folks to engage in the topic of Economics and Faith with Lane Miller and Pastor Charlotte, so send in your questions to help guide our future discussion to pastor.rebaplacechurch@gmail.com.
Photo by rupixen.com on Unsplash