Are there economic implications of the Lord's Prayer that we say regularly in worship? Let's continue to journey together in our exploration of Economics and Faith as Pastor Charlotte reflects on the Lord's Prayer and treasures in heaven, from Matthew 6:7-15, 19-21. These reflections are placed in the context of worship -- prayer, Scripture, song, dance and affirming the image of God in one another -- because we are a community and we know we need God and one another to be joyful life-givers in our world! Come join us! Guests are warmly welcomed. ~Pastor Charlotte
9:30 am -- Sidewalk Coffee Plus at the 620 Madison Street doors
10 am -- Worship! Childcare for Pre-K and Kindergartners provided in the 2nd half of the service
11:20 am to Noon -- Sermon Discussion. Come share your thoughts and questions, or just listen in as others do! No prior attendance required.
Photo by Carlos Magno on Unsplash