The mixture of joy and longing continues in our celebration of Advent: From Generation to Generation! Join us as we remember with the dramatized story of Mary how God meets us in our fear. Come early enough to get your coffee and get a good seat, so you don't miss the danced and sung liturgy of lighting the Advent candles right at 10 am!
We'll also sing and pray and care for one another, and share in Communion, also known as the Lord's Supper. Then stay and enjoy getting to know folks over Potluck lunch after service! Childcare for PreK-Kindergarteners will be provided during the latter part of the service. Guests are warmly welcomed!
9:30 am -- Pre-Service Coffee Plus
10 am -- Worship in Room and Zoom
11:20 am-ish -- Potluck lunch together!
Miss a sermon, or just want to listen again? Recordings of weekly sermons (current and past) are available here on the RPC website at: Worship > Sermons.
Image from A Sanctified Art, Mary’s Golden Annunciation by Carmelle Beaugelin