Join us Sunday at 10 am in person or on Zoom as we continue our journey through Advent. This week, our drama and message by Pastor Charlotte will take up the experiences of Mary and her cousin Elizabeth from Luke 1:39-58, both facing unexpected pregnancies with courage and community! Get your coffee and a good seat right on time at 10 am so you don't miss our traditional candle dance, lighting the Advent wreath. Guests are warmly welcomed, and childcare for Pre-K through Kindergarteners will be provided in the latter part of the service.
9:30 am Pre-Service Coffee Plus
10:00 am Worship
11:20 - 11:35 am Informal Chatting
11:35 am to 12:15 pm Sermon Discussion
Miss a sermon, or just want to listen again? Recordings of weekly sermons (current and past) are available here on the RPC website at: Worship > Sermons.
Image from A Sanctified Art, The Golden Cradle by Carmelle Beaugelin
