It's the Season of Resurrection and a great time to be grateful for the Earth upon which we live our lives! Join us this Sunday for Earth Day Worship, celebrating the God of Creation and encouraging one another in the discipleship practice of caring for Creation well. RPC Green Team leaders Jesse Miller and Cassidhe Hart will bring the message. Of course we'll share music and prayer and Scripture and joy! Guests are warmly welcomed.
9:30 am -- Sidewalk Coffee outside the 620 Madison Street doors
10:00 am -- Worship (childcare will be provided for kids up through Kindergarten during the second part of the service). Service available on Zoom as usual.
11:25 am to Noon -- Sermon Discussion. Hang around for informal discussion where you can share your thoughts and questions, or just listen in as others do. All are welcome!
Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash