The RPC website lists eight faith statements that help to describe who we are in the Our Faith section. To quote the fourth statement, "Reba Place Church is a community that embraces a calling to be anti-racist, to swim against the strong current of racism in our nation and the world." The Reba Place Church Racial Justice Team exists to lead our congregation in this task. We plan and sponsor programs that we hope will educate and inspire.
We meet twice monthly on a Zoom call and would enthusiastically welcome new members. An upcoming event sponsored by the Racial Justice Team is a Family Movie Night to watch and discuss Akeelah and the Bee on Fri, Aug 30 at 7 pm at the Meetinghouse. Join us! Additionally, the team has put together a robust and growing collection of recommended books on topics including equity, anti-racism, and others. They are all available for loan on the NEW bookshelf near the front door entrance of the Meetinghouse. If you have any other questions about the Racial Justice Team, reach out to Mary Pat Martin and Anne Stewart.
Photo of RPC's banner entitled "Working Against Racism in our Church and World"