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Passing of our brother, Virgil Vogt

Dear Reba family and friends,

I am sad to have to share with you that Virgil Vogt passed to be with the Lord yesterday morning around 8:30 am. His wife, Joan, and his son, Dave, were with him. They said he just stopped breathing, and went very peacefully.

We'll let folks know when the plans for a memorial are set. Virgil chose to have his remains cremated, so the family has some time to figure out the best way to grieve and to celebrate Virgil's life in a memorial.

Please keep Virgil's family, and all his close caregivers and friends, in your prayers. All those who knew Virgil, who pastored Reba Place Church for more than 30 years, know the sincerity and strength of his faith, and his tireless and humble desire to serve God and his community, even right up to the very end of his life.

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. (Psalm 116:15, KJV)

The peace of Christ be with you,

Pastor Charlotte

Photo by Dan Freeman on Unsplash

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