Next Thursday, May 18 at 7 pm, Reba Place Church will hold a simple service of lament over the death of Nathan Shelly, son of Barb and Glen Shelly, who died while on vacation in Portugal. The service will provide a space for the Reba Place Church family to bring our lament, sadness and distress before God together. We cannot escape the pain of this loss, but we do not have to be entirely alone in it. Taize songs, silence, prayers and readings will compose our time together. We will gather on the east side of the main sanctuary near the large painting of Jesus. This will be an in-person event only and will not be available by Zoom.
(Please note that this will not be a funeral service. A funeral is being planned for a later time and the date will be shared with the community when it becomes available.) If you have questions, please contact Pastor Laura.
