Singing Our Faith in the Face of Empire! Join us this Sunday for worship and reflections centered around music from our new hymnals, Voices Together, led by Lane Miller (in person or on Zoom). Texts include 2 Chronicles 5:7-14 and Matthew 6:7-13. NOTE: The regular Sharing of Joys and Challenges time will be pre-empted by a brief good-news presentation of how 2022's year-end finances turned out. Childcare for pre-K and Kindergarteners provided in the latter part of the service. Guests are very welcome!
9:30 am -- Pre-Service Coffee Plus
10:00 am -- Worship!
11:05 am -- Good News and status of 2022 Year-End $
11:15 am -- Hymn sing from Voices Together -- gather round the piano and make your requests for a song you already love, or one you want to learn! We'll go for 20-30 minutes. (NOTE: No Sermon Discussion this week)
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