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This Sunday, Celebrate Easter!

We celebrate that Love is stronger than death on this Easter Sunday! On April 4, from 10-11 am on Zoom or Facebook Live, join us for joyful music and prayer, a reading of the Resurrection story from Luke 24:1-12, a message by Pastor Charlotte entitled "Seeking the living among the dead," and communion. Please gather your own wine/juice and bread/pita/crackers to take part in this sacramental time together. Also, be sure to catch the first screening of our new Easter music video in the service, created by familiar faces in the community!

Then, right after the service, join us at 11:30 am at Eiden Park (700 block of Madison Street, Evanston) for some fun with bubbles and just good ol' in-person conversation! Bring a blanket or lawn chairs if you want to sit. Bring food if you want to eat (with those in your household). Wear a mask when you're not eating. There won't be an agenda or a service - this is just a time to be outdoors and enjoy seeing each other! As long as the weather is over 40 degrees and it isn't raining, we'll go forward with this plan. Hang out, chat, play... then stay and eat or head on home for your Easter dinner plan.

Photo credit: Michelle MacPherson, Easter 2019

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