Join us this Sunday for worship at 10:00am! Our summer Economics and Faith message series continues this week as Lane Miller will be exploring how economic faithfulness is not a retrieval of a neglected biblical truth, but a dynamic partnership with the Spirit! This partnership seeks new creation of forms and systems that can turn our world toward justice and the reign of God. And of course, we'll sing and pray and read Scripture (specifically, Micah 4:4, Acts 2:42-47 and Matthew 6:22-24) and we'll enjoy being together. Guests are warmly welcomed!
9:30 am Sidewalk Coffee Plus (weather permitting!) 10:00 am Worship at 620 Madison Street (see The 24/7 email blast on Friday for the Zoom link). Childcare for Pre-K and K provided in the latter part of the service!
Photo by Christian Lambert on Unsplash