Would you like to be included in the Reba Place Church Directory? If you are not yet listed, and would like to be, please provide your contact information through this online form: https://forms.gle/tZXKVQCYJwx9ToAm9
This list is intended for Reba Place Church members and frequent attenders, those who consider RPC to be their "home church," and those who wish to remain connected to the happenings of the church. The Directory is a wonderful tool for building community, and is NOT to be used for commercial purposes.
There will be a separate email that will be sent out to those who are currently listed to ensure that the information is correct; keep your eyes open for that email. There will also be a paper copy of the current Directory that will be made available at the Meetinghouse for local folks to verify their information. If you have questions, you can reach out to Julie Larson at rpcoffice@gmail.com. Thank you!
Photo by Andrew Moca on Unsplash