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Reba Delegates to MennoCon23 this Summer!

July 3-6 is the biennial Mennonite Church USA Convention at the Kansas City, Missouri, Convention Center. Pastor Laura will be attending, and possibly bringing a few of our youth to the Youth Convention track. At the end of Convention is the biennial MC USA Delegate Assembly, July 7 (8:30 am - 5:30 pm CT) and July 8 (8:30 am - noon CT) to which Reba Place Church is entitled to send two delegates to be part of this official decision-making body. Pastor Laura will be one of our delegates. RPC Leadership Team will appoint a second delegate to go as well. We have a great candidate in mind who has already expressed interest, but we don't want to miss anyone by not making a general announcement about the possibility. So if YOU are a Reba member, and are interested in knowing more about representing RPC at the MennoCon Delegate Assembly, please contact Pastor Charlotte within the next 2 weeks (by Wed, April 12) and we'll discern from there!

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