There are some great things planned for the Reba Men's Ministry this fall!
The Men's Group will be starting up again soon. This is a great space to meet with other male-identifying community members (ages 16+) for sharing, prayer, and community. The group will meet in the evenings a couple times per month at the Meetinghouse. Please take a few minutes to fill out this form: Your input will help us with planning the content and frequency of the meetings.
Save the NEW date for the Fall Men's Retreat at our beautiful denominational camp and retreat center, Menno Haven, on Nov 11-13. Details will be coming out soon regarding cost, scholarship opportunities, lodging, and food.
Quarterly Meals Together. Look forward to gathering with the Reba Men for casual meals together once/season! Stay tuned for specific dates and locations.
If you have any questions, reach out to Rob Larson at
Photo by Rob Larson